Contact Us

The absolute best way to contact us is by e-mail. We make a big effort to answer e-mails within an hour: Click Here To Send Us An E-Mail
We used to have a business phone with an answering machine. We didn't have time to answer the phone, and the messages piled up. So, we decided to get rid of the phone. That was over ten years ago. It was necessary. We could never ship out the volume of bag orders we do, as promptly as we do, if we were answering phone calls. We hope you will understand our position on this.
Snail Mail
95% of our orders come to us via the internet. But you are welcome to send a check or money order through the mail. Include your e-mail address and we will e-mail tracking information for your order.
Planet Whizbang
5604 Murphy Hill Road
Moravia, N.Y. 13118
Local Pickup
Sorry, but we are not set up to sell bags direct to customers from our home business. Our experiences doing this in the past were not entirely positive. Besides that, there is the time factor. We ship an enormous volume of shrink bags, and are often working against the clock to get our orders processed, packaged, and shipped. Thank you for your understanding.